

  • 24,5mm

Button with "Blätterkrone" - leaf crown and the monogram "HD" around 1750 / 1800.

Sizes: 24, 18 mm (±1mm)

Theory 1: Austria - military button - the monogram stands for regiment owner:  ...
Theory 2: Hesse-Darmstadt - military button - the monogram can also be found on old hessian coins, unfortunately the crown does not match.

Germany: -
Czech Republic: 1. Okres Kolín - Kolín District and Velvary (Středočeský kraj - Central Bohemian Region), 2. between Náchod and Hradec Králové (Královéhradecký kraj - Hradec Králové Region), 3. Vrahovice (Olomoucký kraj - Olomouc Region) [Battle]
Poland: Karczyce and Lutynia (Województwo dolnośląskie - Lower Silesian Voivodeship) [Battle]
Belarus: Brest - Брэст

Any further information about the found location is welcome !

Further theories are welcome. The button collector community will be very grateful if you can contribute to the solution of the riddle.

Sources / additional information:
Wikipedia - List of wars and battles in the 18th century (D)
Wikipedia - Wars and battles involving Prussia
Wikipedia - War of the Austrian Succession
Wikipedia - Silesian Wars
Wikipedia - First Silesian War
Wikipedia - Second Silesian War
Wikipedia - Seven Years' War
Wikipedia - Hesse-Darmstadt Army (D)

country: 1
1500 - 1804 - before the proclamation of the Austrian Empire
country: 2
1500 - 1871 - Old Germany
field of interest:
1. Military - until the end of the 18th century
2. excaved
3. not yet identified
4. Button riddles - research
dug, patinized
for exchange or sale
price / exchange value: - €
currently not available