selection list (1590)
CTRRO-SMR010-g25_(HLB01C01)Transportation - Shipping Lines Romania 24.9mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRRO-SMR010-w12_(G&C01E12)Transportation - Shipping Lines Romania 12.1mm, white metal "frosted" | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRRO-SMR010-w20_(HLB01C01)Transportation - Shipping Lines Romania 20.0mm, white metal "frosted" | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRRO-SMR010-w25_(HLB01C01)Transportation - Shipping Lines Romania 24.9mm, white metal "frosted" | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRRU-AK0001-g25_(001)Transportation - Shipping Lines Russia 1796 - 1801 - Russian Empire (Paul I) / United States of America (USA) 25.4mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRW-1JP-750010-g23_(001)Transportation - Shipping Lines / Maritime Japan 22.7mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRW-4CH-CSAV10-g20_(Pai01D01)Transportation - Shipping Lines Chile gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTRW-4CH-GSYC10-g25_(VB001D01)Transportation - Shipping Lines Chile 24.5mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSA-Wie082-w24_(MSS01K01)Transportation - Public Transport Austria Public transport / Tram: Vienna public utility company – public transport, until 1999 24.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 4 price / exchange value: 6.00 € | |
CTSA-Wie082-w24_(OHW01K01)Transportation - Public Transport Austria Public transport / Tram: Vienna public utility company – public transport, until 1999 24.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 6.00 € | |
CTSA-Wie083-g20_(Wal01B01)Transportation - Public Transport Austria 1945 - 20.. - post-war period 20.3mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 2 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSB-Ant010-w22_(Der01B01)Transportation - Public Transport Belgium Public transport / Tram: Tramway d'Anvers (TA) - Trams in Antwerp, since 1873, electrified since 1902. 22.0mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSB-Bru011-w18_(001)Transportation - Public Transport Belgium Public transport / Tram: Les Tramways Bruxellois (TB) - Tramway Brussels, since 1875 17.9mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSB-Bru012-g26_(Mal01E05)Transportation - Public Transport Belgium Public transport / Tram: Les Tramways Bruxellois (TB) - Tramway Brussels, since 1875 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSB-Bru050-w25_(Mal01E02)Transportation - Public Transport Belgium Public transport / Tram: Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles/Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussel - Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company, since 1954 25.4mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSCH-2BStB1-g26_(AGR1D01)Transportation - Public Transport Switzerland 26.0mm, tombac | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSCH-Luz010-w23_(001)Transportation - Public Transport Switzerland 23.1mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
CTSD-72001L-g18_(0EF22K10261)Transportation - Public Transport / Post office / still without definite identification Germany 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / 1871 - 1918 - German Empire Public transport / Tram: It is very likely that the button was worn by one of the many horsecar companies. Alternatively: stagecoach 18.2mm, tombac | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 30.00 € | |
CTSD-72001L-g24_(0EF22K10261)Transportation - Public Transport / Post office / still without definite identification Germany 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / 1871 - 1918 - German Empire Public transport / Tram: It is very likely that the button was worn by one of the many horsecar companies. Alternatively: stagecoach 24.4mm, tombac | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 25.00 € | |
CTSD-72001L-g25_(03M01A72)Transportation - Public Transport / Post office / still without definite identification Germany 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / 1871 - 1918 - German Empire Public transport / Tram: It is very likely that the button was worn by one of the many horsecar companies. Alternatively: stagecoach 25.0mm, tombac | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 20.00 € | |
CTSD-72001L-g25_(0EF13G30161)PTransportation - Public Transport / Post office / still without definite identification Germany 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / 1871 - 1918 - German Empire Public transport / Tram: It is very likely that the button was worn by one of the many horsecar companies. Alternatively: stagecoach 25.0mm, dug, patinized | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 8.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g18_(0EF19F19764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 17.5mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 10.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g18_(0EF19F19764)aTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 17.5mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 8.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g23_(01M05E01)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g23_(0EF22K11074)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.50 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g24_(0EF19F19764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 24.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g26_(0EF19F19764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g26_(0EF19F19764)aTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 2 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-g26K_(0EF19F10067)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 2 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w18_(Lin03G18)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 18.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 8.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w23_(01M05E01)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w23_(01M05E01)KTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w24_(Ove01G01)STransportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 24.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w25_(0EF22K11763)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 25.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w26_(0EF13G10761)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011B-w26_(0EF19F19764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g18_(Ass03H10)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 18.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 10.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g18_(Ass03H10)aTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 18.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 8.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g23_(0EF24K10764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g24_(Ass03E24)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 24.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g25_(02M01A75)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 25.4mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 9 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g26_(Ass03E26)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 4 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-g26(Ass03E10)KTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w18_(Ass02S01)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 18.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 6.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w23_(0EF24K10764)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 4 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w23_(75010K01)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w23_(Lin03I22)KTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w24_(Ass03E24)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 24.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 19 price / exchange value: 3.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w24_(Ass03H50)KTransportation - Public Transport Germany 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 24.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 3 price / exchange value: 4.00 € | |
CTSD-72011C-w26_(001)Transportation - Public Transport Germany 1871 - 1918 - German Empire / 1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic / 1933 - 1945 - Third Reich Public transport / Tram: the most commonly used tram button pattern, worn from the Empire to the Third Reich. 26.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 2.00 € |