selection list (7394)
LE-PL-Sap320-g26_(Jen01H03)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania / Belarus Livery of a servant of the noble family: prince Sapieha / variant of the Coat of arms: Lis 25.5mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-SKD610-w26_(001)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Starykoń by Counts Wielkopolski and Dołęga by Familie Kossakowski, a button with arms of alliance 26.0mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-SKR410-g26_(Tha01B09)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Starykoń and Rogala, a button with arms of alliance 25.9mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-SKT610-w18_(001)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Starykoń and Topór, a button with arms of alliance 18.2mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-Wad410-w40_(001)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania / Ukraine Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Wadwicz 39.6mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-Wan320-g34_(001)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Wańkowicz II or Lis z mitrą 34.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-Wez420-w28_(UKW01D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Wąż 27.6mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-Wuk410-g27_(WHW01C42)SLivery, family coat of arms Poland Noble families - Polish / 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland Livery of a servant of the noble family: Coat of arms: Wukry 27.1mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-PL-XYZ601-w28_(Min0Z007)SLivery, family coat of arms / still without definite identification Poland 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland Livery of a servant of the noble family: ...? / Coat of arms: ...? 27.5mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Bar10-g31(00)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Barjatinski / Барятинский 31.3mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3BeB10-w26(00)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) / 1894 - 1917 - Russian Empire (Nicholas II) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Belosselsky-Belozersky 25.9mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Dol10-w32_(Fir02D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1894 - 1917 - Russian Empire (Nicholas II) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Dolgorukov / Долгоруковы 31.7mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Dru10-w27_(Jen01P06)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1825 - 1855 - Russian Empire (Nicholas I) / 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / Poland 1815 - 1832/1867/1918 - Congress Poland / Lithuania Livery of a servant of the noble family: Prince Drucki - Друцки / Coat of arms: Druck (Drucki-Lubecki - Друцкие-Любецкие / Drucki-Horski - Друцкие-Горские / Drucki-Sokolinski - Друцкие-Соколинские). The blue coat of arms tincture on the button differs from the known coat of arms of the Drucki family. It is possible that this is a different branch of the family. 26.8mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Gal10-g30_(CT001D02)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) / 1894 - 1917 - Russian Empire (Nicholas II) 30.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Jus10-g30_(JET01D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Yusupov / Юсупов 29.7mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Obl10-g17_(Pit01P21)Livery, family coat of arms Russia 1894 - 1917 - Russian Empire (Nicholas II) livery of a servant of the noble family: Принц Оболенский - Prince Obolensky gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Orl10-g31_(Bon01C10)S*FLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Orlov / Орлов 31.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Sal10-g27_(Jen01P06)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1825 - 1855 - Russian Empire (Nicholas I) / 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) Livery of a servant of the noble family: Prince Saltykov / Салтыков. The button coat of arms differs slightly from the princely coat of arms of the Saltykov family. It is possible that this is a different branch of the family. 27.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-3Yur10-g23_(CT001D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Prince Yuryevsky / Юрьевские 22.7mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-4Kap10-w30_(TWW01A01)Livery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) 30.0mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-4Kis10-g33_(AMC01E10)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts Kiselyov / Киселёв 32.8mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-4KuB10-g31_(Buc01B49)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts Kushelev-Bezborodko / Кушелев-Безборо́дко Sources / additional information: 31.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-4Oku10-w32_(JBMS1D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery of a servant of the noble family: Okunyov / Окуневы. The button coat of arms differs slightly from the coat of arms of the Okunyov family. It is possible that this is a different branch of the family. 32.2mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-4Scw10-w31_(Buc01C30)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts Scheremetew / Шереметев 30.8mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-5Ofr10-w31_(Buc01B49)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery of a servant of the noble family: Ofrosimov / Офросимовы 31.0mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-6Dan10-g26_(0TGM1C01)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Danilov / Даниловы 25.6mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-6Kre10-g25_(Jen01P05)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1825 - 1855 - Russian Empire (Nicholas I) / 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Кremer / Кремеры 25.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-6Ser10-g29_(Kop01B09)Livery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Serebryakov / Серебряковы 29.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-R-6Vre10-g29_(Kop01B25)SLivery, family coat of arms Russia 1855 - 1881 - Russian Empire (Alexander II) / 1881 - 1894 - Russian Empire (Alexander III) Livery for a servant of the noble family: Vremev / Времевы 29.3mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-RO-0Ru010-g21_(TWW01A50)SLivery, civil servants Romania / Moldova Danubian Principalities - Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia: united in 1859, existed as United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (Principatele Unite Moldova și Țara Românească) 1859-1862, Romanian United Principalities (Principatele Unite Române) 1862-1866 and Principality of Romania (România) until 1881, civil servants 21.1mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-RO-0Ru010-w21_(TWW01A50)SLivery, civil servants Romania / Moldova Danubian Principalities - Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia: united in 1859, existed as United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (Principatele Unite Moldova și Țara Românească) 1859-1862, Romanian United Principalities (Principatele Unite Române) 1862-1866 and Principality of Romania (România) until 1881, civil servants 21.1mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-RO-0Ru015-w22_(WHW01F35)SLivery, civil servants Romania / Moldova Danubian Principalities - Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia: united in 1859, existed as United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (Principatele Unite Moldova și Țara Românească) 1859-1862, Romanian United Principalities (Principatele Unite Române) 1862-1866 and Principality of Romania (România) until 1881, civil servants 25.0mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-RO-0RWa10-g20_(0EF52K50154)SLivery, civil servants Romania / Moldova Danubian Principalities - Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia: Principality of Wallachia (Țara Românească) until 1859, then as United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (Principatele Unite Moldova și Țara Românească) 1859-1862, civil servants gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-RO-0RWa15-w23_(Dar01D01)SMilitary Romania / Moldova Danubian Principalities - Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia: Principality of Wallachia (Țara Românească) until 1859, then as United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (Principatele Unite Moldova și Țara Românească) 1859-1862, military ? 23.0mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LE-S-4Dou10-w29(01)Livery, family coat of arms Sweden / Great Britain 1801 - 1922 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland / Germany 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany Livery for a servant of the noble family: Counts of Douglas, Scottish clan - Swedish branch - no shank 29.0mm, white metal | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 40.00 € | |
LEFB-4LiG10-w28_(Jau01D01)Livery, family coat of arms Belgium Noble families - belgian / France 1852 - 1870 - Second French Empire (Napoleon III) / Netherlands Count / Comte de Lichtervelde - Gendebien 28.5mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFD-3Cas40-w18_(AUW01D18)Livery, family coat of arms Germany Noble families in FRANCONIA / Noble families in BAVARIA / 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / Netherlands Noble families - in Netherlands - German / Austria Noble families - in Austria - German Livery of a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts von Castell-Rüdenhausen 18.4mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFD-3Cas40-w26_(AUW01D26)Livery, family coat of arms Germany Noble families in FRANCONIA / Noble families in BAVARIA / 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / Netherlands Noble families - in Netherlands - German / Austria Noble families - in Austria - German Livery of a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts von Castell-Rüdenhausen 26.0mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFD-3Cas40-w26_(TWW01B01)Livery, family coat of arms Germany Noble families in FRANCONIA / Noble families in BAVARIA / 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / Netherlands Noble families - in Netherlands - German / Austria Noble families - in Austria - German Livery of a servant of the noble family: Grafen / Counts von Castell-Rüdenhausen 26.1mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFD-4Gel01-g24_(001)Livery, family coat of arms Germany Noble families in NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA / 1500 - 1871 - Old Germany / Netherlands Noble families - in Netherlands - German Nobility - Grafen / Counts von Geldern 24.4mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 30.00 € | |
LEFF-3Chi55-w23(00)Livery, Royal household / court officials / Livery, monograms Belgium / Netherlands Families admitted to the Dutch nobility / France Nobility: Fürsten / Princes von Chimay 23.0mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-5DoW10-g16_(20M01E51)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Van Doorn van Westcapelle 16.5mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 30.00 € | |
LEFNL-5DoW10-g28_(Car01D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Van Doorn van Westcapelle 28.4mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-5DoW10-t28_(20M01E51)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Van Doorn van Westcapelle 28.3mm, gilt | for exchange or sale available items: 1 price / exchange value: 35.00 € | |
LEFNL-5DoW10-t28_(Car01D01)SLivery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Van Doorn van Westcapelle 28.4mm, tombac | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-6Ban10-w27_(0ERP1D01)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. / Great Britain Livery of a servant of the noble family: De Bansterseyn. Family of Dutch origin with landed property in England. 26.9mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-6Bra10-g30_(Man01B20)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Van Brakell 30.0mm, gilt | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-6Cap10-w28_(Man01B22)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. / Israel Capadose - noble family among Sephardic Jews (Capadose - adellijke familie onder de Sefardische Joden) 27.9mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-6Ren10-w26_(001)Livery, family coat of arms Netherlands Patrician families Livery of a servant of the patrician family: Rendorp. 25.9mm, white, silver plated | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € | |
LEFNL-6Sch10-w27_(Jen01H01)SLivery, family coat of arms Netherlands Noble families - dutch / 1848 - 1940 - from Belgian independence to WW2. livery of a servant of the noble family Schimmelpenninck - Schimmelpenninck 27.5mm, white metal | for exchange only available items: 1 price / exchange value: - € |